Would an “Exclude Item from Logging” tickbox be available, please ? Certain situations may occur when items (I’m mainly talking about SHOUTcast logging) where items may not want to be sent - regardless of length.
Good idea! And very easy to implement as well
Thanks for this… Works fine, except - I am testing a Notification (onPlayerStart) to save a PHP file which is FTP’d to show the current song. This, obviously, is created whatever file/track is played from the Cart Player - so is there a prevision for an OnLoggingEvent perhaps ?
In other words, I only want to create that Artist - Title file when a loggable item is played.
The script looks like this:
[code]procedure OnPlayerStart(PlayerControl: IPlayerControl; Item: IPlaylistItem);
var sl: TStringList;
sl := TStringList.Create;
sl.Add(Item.GetArtist + ’ - ’ + Item.GetTitle);
You need to check the flag for yourself.
Just add
if (pioExcludeFromLogging in Item.GetOptions) then exit;
as the first line of the procedure.
I’m afraid that doesn’t appear work. It says (in the status window), that it’s an invalid identifier. I’ve looked in the Script Reference, and can’t find anything similar.
Sorry, the correct name is “pioNoLogging”.