Event Scheduler. Have i miss something?

I try to run some events!

But i add events they not have a “Next Execution” time But no execute appears… I have set a time. Look below.

Only fix day and time work!

Patrik Ekman

Some example:

Random 1-12 1-31 0-23 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Random V:\Scripts\LoadSpots.mls

Ok This one works

The different is



in my last post it was

<Second/> and <Weekday/>


so is it a bugg?

Slump 1-12 1-31 1-7 0-23 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 55 0 Slumpscript V:\Scripts\RandomFiles.mls

When Second ist empty, the event will never be executed, because the second will never match :slight_smile:

I think I should add a warning to the dialog when that happens.