Error messages in V7.0

I just got the same error again after creating a new playlist. I have uploaded the bugreport.

What is that?


A bugreport have been uploaded.

Thank you. Torben will have a look on the report when he is back in the office.

I dont know if this error has been reported… This one occurs when an MLDB is being fully cloned / exported to MySQL/MariaDB using old AND new version (doenst matter which one chosen.

SQL Error: FireDAC Phys MySQL Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes. Query CREATE INDEX auth_tokens_scopedid_token_idx ON auth_tokens (scope_id, token).

I guess it could be relative easily debugged , since the referred command is being displayed. :slight_smile:

Kind regards

Thank you, please try again in upcoming snapshot 5030 and report back.

Not related to the DB but rather something in the image processing library (we switched all internal icons to SVG). I’ll look into it.

Made yet another small change in snapshot 5030. Please report back.

I have installed 5030 yesterday. I will be monitoreing for errors.

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It continues, but further in the cloning process it gives another error:

FireDAC Phys Mysql Data too long for column value’ at row 1. I also send a bug report through the builti-in system.

Hi Torben,

I have uploaded a bugreport to you, besed on this error.

{“Timestamp”:“2022-06-04T10:00:00.144”,“Message”:“Error writing log entry into database Database: [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: database is locked”,“Level”:“Error”}

I am running release 5032.

Apparently some data is too large for a table column in MySQL. Can you tell from the progress dialog which table it is?

Do you have any album art stored as icons? Does it also happen when you omit the icons in the cloning process?

Yes I omit the icons. I can’t see which table it is. It display;s only x records out of maximum of y records. Is there a way to debug log this?