Encoder bass 0


I had to add another encoder in mairlist, shoutcast after putting in al the info the encoder didn’t connect.
There was line in mairlist encoder cant connect bass 0.
After help from the station (any desk) the couldn’t solve it. The placed butt on the pc whit the same info it connects. In the German section there was something about bass 0 Metadata. Is there a way to let mairlist do the job or do I have to use butt?

Indeed, it seems to have something to do with metadata when I look in the german section of the forum.
Is it a Shoutcast server?

Yes a shoutcast server, and now butt is on an outher pc so there is no Metadata.

I found this one:

Hab den Fehler gefunden.
Auf der Registerkarte “Metadaten” unter “Encoder-Verbindung konfigurieren”
stand bein Genre “Neus und Mehr” drin.
Da der Shoutcast-Server dieses Genre nicht kennt,
hat er die Verbindung unterbrochen/abgebrochen.
Nach dem wir aus “Neues und Mehr”, news gemacht haben konnten wir auch
den Probelauf mit mAriList starten.

(Was bedeutet "bass error 0" - #8 by Nils)


Found the bug.
On the “Metadata” tab under “Configure encoder connection” the genre “New and more” was there. Since the Shoutcast server does not know this genre, it has broken the connection.
After we inserted news instead of “New and More”, we could start the test run.

Torben commented:

Gibt es irgendwo eine Liste der Werte, die Shoutcast kennt und unterstützt? Dann könnte ich das als Auswahlliste einbauen.

Is there a list of values somewhere that Shoutcast knows and supports? Then I could include that as a shortlist.

I don’t know what has happened since August 2011 :flushed: but would you please check if this could be responsible for the error?

Found the same page, but my (Google) translation wasn’t as good as yours :joy: Whe even putt dance in the encoder config for the Metadata. I will try tomorrow thanks

Tried it whit out the Metadata and then the stream works. The news and more I couldn’t find so I took out everything.