Elgato Stream Deck Plugin Not Working

So I hooked up my Stream Deck and installed the plugin for it in the remote section of mAirlist and then checked to see if it installed in the Elgato software, and yes it shows the plugin installed. However, when I put a command onto a button, like “Cart 1” it does nothing. What am I doing wrong? Or is the plugin not working? I’m on the current version of mArlist 7.3

Works for me on v7.3.6:


Silly question: But does the sound come out in the right place? Or is there something in the system logs?


Is your mAirList in the ON AIR-Mode?

If not this might be the reason…

Yes sound is set to the correct output and is working. I even tested it with Audacity using the same output and that worked.

I actually tried both these settings. Including the check box. I used the “Execute Command” button to try and program a button to turn automation on/off and that did not work as well… seems no response. All the other buttons for the default settings on the Elgato are working, so It seems like the signal for the mAilist commands is not sending… I’ll try to see any logs have anything. I even uninstalled it and reinstalled it to no effect.

Do you have any funny firewall settings that might be blocking this? :blush:

Hmm I actually have the Windows firewall off since I have a firewall in my router. Also, I’ve not had any other communication problems with program using ports, like the D&R mixer has no issues with any ports. So I don’t think it could be this…

No errors on loading the plugin:

Yes, I’m in On Air Mode

The execute command does not work as well. Do any of you have an example of this setting that works for you so I can try it?

Streamdeck is supported from Advanced Edition on. Sure you have the correct one?

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I have Advanced Home edition.

OMG, so I started messing with the port setting. For some reason the default port setting in the plugin and in mAilrlist would not work, so I just put in a port 1 number higher than the ports the Airlite is using, and WOW, now it works. I have no idea why this would happen as I’m not a port wizard, I had to change the port in the plugin, and then in the Elgato setting inside mAirlist to match. :sweat:


Oh yes, you are!    


:rofl: Thanks Tondose! Some aspects of computers can be confusing.


May I ask where to get the mairlist plugin?

Sure… Quick search in the forum:

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habe eine Frage Wie kann mann Das hinzufügen in Marlist und in Welchen odner in zufügen und ich benutze Marliist 7.4-Beta Home Studio
