Edit Hour Template - Adding 'non-audio' items?


Apologies if this has been asked - I didn’t see anything with a search.

Is there a way of adding a Dummy or Command within an hour template in v4.3? For example, a Dummy item to remind the presenter to do or read something specific.

At the moment our scheduling software inserts rows in the M3U files which can be helpful to verify the correct playlist has been loaded, for example:

#mAirList DUMMY 0 Begin Hour 13:00

I see I can insert these items in the main Playlist tab and save there, but if a feature was running over a specific time frame / there was a sponsorship script it might be useful to be able to add this to the schedule.

Many thanks,

You can create various dummy as well as commands and place them into a folder. You could then schedule the two just as you would any other item.
That said, there is probably a better way of doing so that I’m unaware of.

Cheers, Alec M

That’s exactly how you do it: Add the item (dummy, command, …) to the library, note its ID, and use a “Specific item” entry in the template.

Thanks very much Alec, Torben.

I’ve set that up and it worked as expected.