I have now prepare the download area at http://www.mairlist.com/download/beta/
Please use the following account to log in (and keep the password secret please):
First, download mAirList-3.0-BaseFiles.zip, which contains BASS 2.4 and the updated batch files mAirListConfig.bat etc. (they are a little different from the previous versions). There is also an empty “config” directory. You can start with your existing ini files from v2.2 if you like. Finally, there’s sqlite3.dll which you will need if you want to test-drive what’s already done in mAirListDB Lite, and I bet you will (the Pro version will be prepared later, for the moment there’s only Lite).
The actual program (mAirList.exe plus mAirList.map and Changelog) will be uploaded to the same directory in the same manner as the usual snapshots. I will also post to the forum whenever a new build is available.
Finally, let me remind you that this beta test is secret. Don’t tell anyone about it