Hi all
When i play hook in the cartwall, mAirList log the hook in the logging file (txt).
Do you know how to disable this log only for hook
I use %a & %b from:
Hi all
When i play hook in the cartwall, mAirList log the hook in the logging file (txt).
Do you know how to disable this log only for hook
I use %a & %b from:
In Config, you can disable logging of the Cartwall (Cartwall, Options, Options tab, Include in logging, clear the box), but this is an ‘all or nothing’ setting. If you have a Player which you use ONLY for Hooks, you can set that one Player to be excluded from logging in a similar way.
Apart from that, you would have to exclude each Hook from logging individually (once they’re loaded, right-click the cart player, click Properties, Options tab; then click Exclude from logging).
My personal opinion is that you should log Hooks because they are commercial recordings, so you should log them the same as you would have to if you were playing the whole track. Unless of course you’re producing the log file other than for compliance with the local licensing authority (in the UK, that’s MCPS-PRS or whatever they’re called this month ::)).
Torben will Logging filtern. So wird man auch einen Typ angeben können. z.B. Nachrichten, Werbung, Jingle usw. Bin gespannt auf dieses Funktion
Torben want to filter logging. One will can also specify a type. e.g. News, advertising, jingles, etc. I’m looking forward to this feature