Different artist/title/song seperation per folder

I would be very happy with if I could make a different seperation for my classics and a-rotation. For example I would like to have a song seperation of 1 or 2 days on my classics folder, but a seperation of 2 hours on my A-rotation.

Hello and welcome here :slight_smile:

Do keep in mind that the scheduler is–by design–a “basic” scheduler. It’s not meant to replace true music scheduling software. I doubt that an advanced feature such as your request would be added, although I may be wrong ;). You might want to have a look at the available 3rd party music scheduling software.

Best Regards,

Alec M.

Alec is right. The Mini Scheduler is only supposed to be a basic scheduling system, generating good results for simple setups, but no replacement for a professional third party scheduling software. Music scheduling is a such a complex thing - adding more and more features to the Mini Scheduler would be a never ending story.

This specific request wouldn’t be so hard to implement though. I will consider it.

So presumably, you would have a ‘default’ separation, plus the option to specify different separations for specific folders, right?

Oh, and you would need to add ‘days’ to the separation dialog. :smiley: