Default Directories Configuration?

We are trying to configure mAirList with default directories as DJs tend to add their own and bugger up the system! We created an entry in mAirList.ini with [DefaultDirectories] but nothing happened when we reloaded mAirList. The latest development version is installed too. We want a few Directories, one directory tree and a database search.

How would one do this? What syntax/text would be entered?

Hi sebpayne, welcome to the forums.

For all these options to work you need the very latest download:


Create the folders and change the above to suit.

To lock presenters out we created 2 layouts an admin and a user.

The admin layout allows full access to all features so this (in XP) goes inside a windows compressed folder and the contents of the folder (zip) are password protected.

To do this, create a windows compressed folder on the desktop, add the admin shortcut and then in the file menu add a password. (The zip file menu).

The users layout can have the toolbar removed or individual functions left in. On the browser section, create your audio paths. Directories as needed, remember to right click the directory path once added to the browser and rename (this will hide the location). Next add the directory tree and again rename using the right click trick.

Now save the desktop as standard.mlt into the mAirList program folder. All the settings just made should reload when you restart mAirList.

Now go to the config tool and create an On The Fly Database (unless you are using one of the other db options). If the audio is scattered across lots of folders you will need to create a databse for each unless you make a master called music and drag all your music folders inside. Once done save this and restart mAirList.

Now add the database search to the browser. rename and resave the desktop.mlt.

Some more locking out to do in the users layout by removing the add, refresh and close options in the browser.

Go to the config folder and open skin.ini Under the browser section are these lines:


Change to :


Save and restart the user layout.

If you need to remove the file menus in the toolbar open the skin.ini and under Toolbar use off against the features you wish to disable.

I will upload a recent screenshot later.

Kind regards tony

edit:screenshot added


“Default Directories” as far as mAirList is concerned refers to the folders that are used “by default” when opening/closing/saving playlists, icons and event lists etc. Tony explains this perfectly. Browser defaults are a bit of a bug-bear when it comes to DJs adding their own (especially at community stations where specialist presenters bring in USB memory sticks!).

The format of the standard.mlt file is very simple, and you can add to this as you see fit:

My example has a folder called “My Music” - this would be a treeview if their were further sub-folders in there. I’ve also got an M3U playlist showing - this is handy if you wish to sort via Artist, Title or Length but don’t want the trouble of an OnTheFly Database. I use ID3 Genre for my song categories (HOT, CURRENT, OLDIES etc) so export based on those which means I have M3U lists for my song styles (anyway, that’s beside the point!)… The standard.mlt can also contain scheduled events (like daily/hourly playlist loads) so make sure everything is set up (including a default cartwall, if you have one) when you save :wink:

With regards to having a USB stick easily accessible from the Browser - if you plug 1 in at a time, it’ll generally keep the same drive letter, allowing us to configure a HotDir within mAirList.ini


You cannot specify the + within mAirListConfig, you have to do in Notepad. The + symbol means show that drive (or folder) in a treeview thus showing all subfolders (and supported file types).

Should a presenter screw-up the desktop layout - you can just select Open and re-load the standard.mlt file.

Nice tip from Charlie about using m3u files. I had read that in the forums over the weekend and forgot to write it down.

Here is a little tool to help create m3u files:

Start it up and click on the splash screen.

kind regards Tony

Actually, Charlie, ‘it depends …’

Perhaps Windows will use the same drive letter if you plug in a different USB stick of the same make and model, but on my PC here (XP Professional), my USB sticks (which are all different makes and models) are assigned different drive letters when they are plugged in.

Yes, this happens even if they are used ‘sequentially’ (plug in #1, safe remove #1, plug #2 into SAME USB socket).

Yes, this might be because my sticks have different ‘volume labels’ internally (cf. HDD volume label).

Yes, I do know that a drive’s letter can be changed if necessary (right-click My Computer icon on desktop; click Manage, Disk Management; right-click drive, click Change Drive Letter and Paths…).

If you need to support USB sticks in a locked-down mAirList, my advice would be to try several different examples of USB sticks and see which drive letter Windows assigns to them.


Hi Cad,
I say “generally” because in my experience at Phoenix FM, there were numerous USB sticks in use and I can only remember a different drive-letter being assigned when there was a memory stick already plugged in. Because were using new Vista machines (with all the card slots on the front), we’d end up with J: as the USB stick.

It’s a shame that you can’t drag a drive/folder onto the Browser and have it opened - that’d certainly help those who Media Monkey :wink:

[quote=“tony wilding, post:4, topic:5144”]Here is a little tool to help create m3u files:[/quote]

I looked at that little program and found a) the font used hurts my eyes, and b) err … it’s a bit basic!

oddgravity’s Playlist Creator 3.5 is a better-looking and easier-to-use freeware program IMHO:

But if you already have MediaMonkey installed, it can create M3Us from your files pretty easily. :slight_smile:


Not quite sure why it would help to be able to do that? I tend to use MM more-or-less instead of the mAirList Browser. Files in MM can be drag/dropped into a running Playlist; so given the other functionality of MM, the mAirList Browser isn’t needed much at all.


Thanks Cad, far better it reads wav files too. Handy as most of our quick turnaround (sponsors ads etc)
audio is in this format.

Kind regards tony

You’re welcome, Tony. I just did a few quick searches and liked the cut of the oddgravity progam’s jib. ;D