Database Sync Issue


Im having an issue with my database…

Every time i Synchronise it, it adds the tracks but rather than importing only the tracks that are new in a folder, it re-adds all the songs from a folder meaning i end up with duplicates!

Why does it do this? How can i stop this from happening?

Many Thanks

All of these songs are already in the folder, but the synchroniser is trying to add them all again - if i let it, i’ll end up with duplicates…

You want to add files that have a folderpath \Hour Kick\.
They should be imported in a folder called “Hour Kick”.

The result must be \Hour Kick\Hour Kick\<title> and I think this folderpath is actually not existent or empty.
Please check your folders or folderpaths if there has happened a misunderstanding that causes duplicates?

Thank you. I’ll take a look at that now.

Many Thanks