Database Cleaning

What is the easiest way to clean the database of duplicate entries? I assume going through it manually and checking files one by one is not the easiest way…

For this I’m using MediaMonkey, in my opinion this is the best solution to keep track of duplicate files.

Looks good from what I can see on their site. However, my question is: If a certain file is moved into a different location on the hard drive, how will that affect the database? Will the audio path update automatically or I will end up with an error when the files is read from the DB?

It will not update automatically.

In fact, the file will appear twice in the Sync dialog - once as new (under the new name) and once as missing (under the old name). You can select the files on the left and right side, and then click the “Fix renamed file” button. This will update the file name in the DB record.

Generally, try to avoid renaming or moving files once they have been added to the DB.