Database 'acces denied'


I get this message when i try to open mAirList:

When i want to open the databas i get this message:
fout 2

So i can’t use mAirList at the moment…

I tried going in the settings to the database section but i don’t know the password for the ‘admin user’

I also got a lot of ‘Database is locked’ messages lately.

Is there any way tio fix this or to reset the database password?

Friendly regards,

Did it work before? Did you change anything? Did you launch any updates (or had they been launched by Windows, respectively)? Where is your database located: on your computer’s hard disk or on a network share?

I think the password is wrong… I can’t remember chancing the password and i don’t know how to reset / recover this password.

When i click on ‘test login’ it says acces denied…

Update: the default user is: admin, the default password also is: admin.

User: admin
Password: admin

I think i somehow deleted this password a while ago and tried some passwords that didnt work.

Everything is working again!

You can change the administrator password for the database right here:

Please be careful!
Wees alstublieft voorzichtig! :netherlands:

When you forget / lose / whatever this password, you can’t go back to “admin” easily. In order to reset this (it’s not so easy), you will need special mAirList support.