Dark theme

Hey there…

im looking for a Dark theme for mairlist.
when im looking on google i cant find not so much info.
who can help me to get my theme into dark style.

can i edit the colors by myself?

let me know :smiley:

Hi there,

yes and no. ;D

Yes, you can change colors for nearly everything via the skin.ini file (you must generate it by yourself).
No, some things can not be changed by mAirList since they are influenced by Windows. It’s a bit tricky.
However, I heard about some rumours that Torben is thinking about a solution, since the questions on a dark theme are getting more and more.

Well, in some of my posts of the last time you will find some drafts and solutions. Since I don’t want a crossposting on 3 ore more threads, I propose that you search for the posts (sorry, I’m on tour on a train in a region with a terrible GSM) and later on I will answer you some special questions.

Is that okay with you?

Regards, Uli

In the Netherlands is a Facebook group.
And last weekend I helpt someone with his Aeron look.
That’s a dark skin.
You can download it from the Facebook group.

Habe you a link for me? :relaxed: :upside_down_face: