Copy voice-track in second zone

Hello everyone,

In our community radio we broadcast several programs in different zones thanks to Mairlist Multi-instances…

I use the Voice Track module which is great with Ramps, so:
I have:
the end of the song,
the VT created by Mairlist on a ramp with jingle at the end of the ramp
the next title.

It’s very effective… We would like a solution so that the voice-tracks are automatically integrated or copied into the conductors of the other zones?

Hi Benjamin, welcome to the forum!

It’s not possible to do this automatically in mAirList.

Just for my knowledge: Are you not talking on ramp in your VT?


Hello, not this morning… Only from 3 to 7PM on zone Valberg.

Automatically no… But can we imagine system to copy from one radio to second the Hours with VT and can we change automatically some content ? news and advertising ?

In this case I would suggest to use different regions for your playout. The playlist (with all songs and VT) will be broadcasted to all regions simultaniously, but you can define region containers for different advertising or regional content that will be splitted and broadcasted independently of the main stream.

Do you think this would fit your needs?