Hi, I just wanna see if it’s just me having this problem or if it’s a fault…
On one of my cart wall pages I have jingles with triggers set on them, but when I load another page the triggers from the previous page are set onto the current jingles where the previous ones were. Therefore, making a very messy sound when you go to play one bed and two come on at once!!
Joe: is this in mAirList 3.0? I must admit that I haven’t tried the cartwall Triggers in that version yet.
Also note that Triggers are kind of ‘old hat’ and Torben will probably drop them before very long, in favour of the much more flexible Actions On Start/Stop.
Joe: In the Cartwall, right-click an ‘occupied’ cart slot, then click Properties, Options tab.
In the Actions On Start (or Actions On Stop), click Add…, then click Execute command. In the dialog box which appears, type a mAirList command, such as one of the following:
If you want to use more than one command, click Work action list instead of Execute command, or add several commands (your choice!).
The command you type in is the same as the command you would enter in Configuration, Remote Control to assign (for example) a Hotkey. So you could type PLAYER 1-1 START, for example.
As you’ll see, you can do all sorts of natty things in the Actions On Start/Stop, such as start or stop automation in any Playlist.
Actions you set up this way will be saved if/when you save the Cart Set.
I hope that helps. Like most things in mAirList, once you start ‘playing’ with it, you’ll think of lots of things you can use it for!
There are a few more bugs in the Cartwall. For example, when you click the Close button, the player is unloaded, but the item remains in the stack. The trigger issue is actually related to this one.