Cartwall slow loading

we are using mAirList in a LAN environment. Everything works fine, just when starting mAirList with Cartwall activated, its startup is quite slow (2-3 minutes or so). We have about 200 audio files in Cartwall, all located on a LAN file server (1Gb LAN, average file transfer speed about 100MB/s). Is it a normal behaviour with this number of files, or can there be anything done to speed up the Cartwall loading? Thanks.

Yes, it is, when you activate …

at once (on mAirList startup).

The cartwall player(s) have not the same behaviour as a playlist player, so this slows down the system. I can look for the technical explanation in the german section of the forum, but I think, it’s better to have different, smaller presets that you can switch depending on the show.

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