Cartwall - Screen 2 Issue

I cannot get mAirList to start with the Cartwall on screen 2. I can get the Cartwall on screen 1, and the main mAirList window on 2 - but not the other way around. Looking at the INI file, it doesn’t seem to place a Monitor=2 option in the config.

I’ve removed the left/top x/y settings from layout.ini just to be safe. But not sure what I’ve done wrong… ?!

Confirmed. It’s a bug in the config dialog, it failes to save the “Monitor=2” option in the [Cartwall] section. Insert it by hand, that should work until I have fixed it.


Sorry - I can’t get it to work… I’ve put that option in both mairlist.ini and layout.ini and it’s a no-go.

Ok, I will investigate that … pity that I don’t have a second monitor at home :wink:


Oh, to be honest, I do have a second monitor. An old 17" analog CRT. Just got it off from up the top shelf. Early morning workout :slight_smile:

However, I have an nVidia GPU, the nVidia drivers take care of the second screen. When I enable the second monitor, the desktop (inclung the Windows task bar) is extended to the second monitor. A maximized window extends over both screens. And mAirList still only detects one screen. No luck here :frowning:

This behavior is different from eldoradio’s studio computer (Matrox video adapter), where the dual screen feature is managed by Windows. The second screen is blank there, you must manually move a window to get them displayed on the second monitor. When you maximize a window, it will only be maximized wrt. the current screen. And mAirList detects both screens.

Conclusion: I will have to visit eldoradio for testing :wink:
