Cartwall remote not working when disable numbering

When you hide the numbering in a cartwall page, the remote commands aren’t useable anymore.
I have setup a remote keyboard wich sends keystrokes. In mairlist a system wide hotkeys remote converts this kestroke in cartwall start/stop commands.
Now I wanted to hide the numbers in my cartwall page, but when the numbers are hidden, the remote isn’t responding anymore.
Once I changed the settings back to show the numbering on the page, the remote works again.

In the Configuration you setup how the numbering is for the cartwall (top bottome, left right and so on). So I guess the visible numbers shouldn’t be neccesairy.

Is this a bug?

btw I use version 7.4 build 5823


When you disable the numbers, they are not just visually hidden - but there are no numbers at all.

So obviously any command involving a cart number - CARTWALL 1 PLAY etc. - cannot be processed anymore.

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Makes sence. But is there a way to hide the numbers (Maybe within the skin file) and still be able to use the remote commands?
I tried the indexfontcolor to make it equal to the background. but doesn’t seem available?

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