Cart Wall stays in background

I have just started looking at mAirlist and am playing with the configuration. I hope to produce something that looks like Audio Enhances DPS. (Anybody done this already?)

I have followed the tip given in the WIKI for setting the cartwall and the browser to the same size so that by clicking on the cartwall button the cartwall can be switched on and off. Although the button is switching the cartwall on and off (checked by making the cart wall slightly wider than browser so I can see it) the cartwall remains in the background i.e. browser, time, date etc over write it.

Does anybody have any ideas what may be causing this?

Hi Gordon,
Certain objects cannot be placed over others - You may have found that the Browser is the main dominant object (you can’t hide it behind the Cartwall, for example)… You can, however, have the Cartwall appear (or not) over Playlist/Players - but certainly not ScreenObjects like Clock, Time etc.


I got this from the WIKI under custom skins and layout “Here’s a layout tip if you want to display an (embedded) Cartwall and the Browser in the same place to save screen space: use the same Width, Height, Top, and Left values for [Cartwall] and [Browser]; and in Configuration Options, Cartwall, Display Options, select Show Cartwall tool button in embedded mode. You can then use the Cartwall button in the main Toolbar to toggle the Cartwall on and off.”

Is this in error then?

ps. Whats happened to your very usefull website? It appears to have gone.

