Also had some problems getting a rather large (10,000) folder of songs to import into an “OnTheFly” Database. It was set to cach+start-up scan. I got quite a few error dialogue boxes, and then mAirList loaded but in a smaller window and included numbers (not little down arrows) on the Insert and Actions buttons. Moving the mouse over them restored them ???
The OnTheFly.mlp file only went as far as 80s electro favourites “Yello”, and as I was able to import my shortcut folders (max 200 songs per folder) across about 12 separate databases, I’m either running out of memory or mAirList doesn’t like my taste of music!
Errors as follows:
[code]Access violation at address 005C05F2 in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Read of address 0000000C
24 February 2008, 18:25:16
Program Version 2.1.42 Build 483
Call stack:
(0022DB89) [0062EB89]
(00074572) [00475572]
(00077B6C) [00478B6C]
(00232853) [00633853]
(0022EF02) [0062FF02]
(00003962) [00404962]
(001AB098) [005AC098]
(0003A69C) [0043B69C]
(001AB098) [005AC098]
(0024A920) [0064B920]
(0024A93A) [0064B93A]
(0024A9A0) [0064B9A0]
(001AB098) [005AC098]
(0007E05D) [0047F05D]
(001AB740) [005AC740]
(001B62AA) [005B72AA]
(0022D9D0) [0062E9D0]
(0023E564) [0063F564]
(00085CC1) [00486CC1]
(0008597D) [0048697D]
(00003999) [00404999]
(00085954) [00486954]
(00032511) [00433511]
(000054BB) [004064BB]
(000053D0) [004063D0]
(00003636) [00404636]
(00001F84) [00402F84]
(00003580) [00404580]
(00003976) [00404976]
(000256AE) [004266AE]
(000035C8) [004045C8]
(000326AA) [004336AA]
(000326CC) [004336CC]
(00001FD7) [00402FD7]
(00005FB0) [00406FB0]
(000DE9A3) [004DF9A3]
(0039F2A7) [007A02A7]
(004C1A2A) [008C2A2A]
(00085CC1) [00486CC1]
(0008597D) [0048697D]
(00003999) [00404999]
(0039E7AC) [0079F7AC]
(0008EB15) [0048FB15]
(004CCAC1) [008CDAC1]
Access violation at address 007A02EF in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Write of address 0000069C
24 February 2008, 18:27:23
Program Version 2.1.42 Build 483
Call stack:
(0008597D) [0048697D]
(00003999) [00404999]
(0039E7AC) [0079F7AC]
(0008EB15) [0048FB15]
(004CCAC1) [008CDAC1]
Access violation at address 0048771A in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Read of address 00000358
24 February 2008, 18:27:39
Program Version 2.1.42 Build 483
Call stack:
(000864AD) [004874AD]
(0008A1E9) [0048B1E9]
(0007145B) [0047245B]
(0002E4CC) [0042F4CC]
(00001F84) [00402F84]
(000752B1) [004762B1]
(000BF3D1) [004C03D1]
(00086D85) [00487D85]
(000710E8) [004720E8]
(000748B1) [004758B1]
(00074924) [00475924]
(00076F56) [00477F56]
(0007145B) [0047245B]
(000752B1) [004762B1]
(000301EC) [004311EC]
(0008597D) [0048697D]
(00003999) [00404999]
(00086D85) [00487D85]
(0008C033) [0048D033]
(000710E8) [004720E8]
(0006FCB2) [00470CB2]
(0008674E) [0048774E]
(0008EBE4) [0048FBE4]
(004CCAE7) [008CDAE7]