Browser on/off button

Is it possible to switch the browser window on/off in a similar way to the Cartwall?

The browser can take up quite a bit of the screen and is not always needed therefore a button to hide it would allow greater potential for layouts.

Is this already possible or easily implemented?



Either edit the [Browser] section of layout.ini (or use the Layout Designer) to make the browser’s Width and Height both = zero.

Layout Designer tip: After you’ve typed in the values, you MUST use the spin buttons to make the typed value ‘stick.’ :wink:

Note to Torben: Maybe the OnExit method for those four spin controls needs to be changed so that a typed value will be honoured when you Tab away from the control?


This gets rid of the browser window but it is needed to select audio.

Perhaps I didn’t explain myself very well - I was thinking more of a button on the main toolbar similar to the ‘Cartwall’ button if the ‘Show Cartwall button in toolbar’ option is ticked.

This way the browser can be ‘brought up’ on the screen (temporarily covering some elements of the base display) and then ‘hidden’ again when the audio has been selected.


That is indeed a different question: as far as I know, the answer to that is NO. The Browser is permanently either off or on (your choice).


That’s what I thought.

Torben - would it be possible to implement this feature?

Rule #1: Everything Is Possible - it’s only a matter of time (and priority).

Thank you for the very profound answer. :slight_smile:

Perhaps a more directed question then …

Would this be a reasonably simple modification to make (given that you have the structure in place for the cartwall) and, if so, can you give an estimation on time? :smiley:

It is obviously low priority but might be a quick win…

Hi Ron, disable the browser altogether and use Charlie’s Browser Adder utilty somewhere in these forums.

You can drag and drop the audio from this into a mAirList Playlist.

Radiorom also has a utilty on these forums which will also search your audio directories and if i remember correctly also alow drag and drop into a playlist.

Kind Regards Tony


I failed to find Charlie’s Browser Adder utility but I really want to use the same database for everything and I suspect that this route would not be able to add from the mAirList database.

Good thought though …

There’s no “structure” for the cartwall, actually, it’s more or less a bunch of configuration settings plus dozens of if-then-else statements. I’m also not sure how to handle the screen objects in automatic layout - should they take up the whole space when the browser is “detached”?

I’ll keep it in mind, but nothing I can implement within a minute.

Hi Ron, Charlies app is here:,2946.0.html

No search function, from memory you define the folders and it will list everything.

On the same page i started work on just using a browser only config of mAirList, you should be able to drag from this into the main playlist.

Radiorom also has an app here:,3650.0.html

Searchable too.

Kind Regards tony

Torben - OK wishful thinking I guess :wink: Thanks for keeping it in mind.
I will just make sure that the layouts include a browser !

Cheers Tony - I will have a look at that.