Browser folder icons

I have my browser folders minimised into the bottom tray of the browser, the problem I have is not being able to see which one is which. Is there any chance we could set the icon for the folders? That or just simply some tool-tip text of the title when you put your mouse over the icon?

Sorry to bump this, but would anyone find this usefull?

It might be handy to (optionally!) have a ToolTip showing the complete ‘title’ of a Browser pane, yes. I assume that the directory name is a Very\Very\Long\Path and is thus not completely visible? I use some Long Path Names myself, so I understand that problem!

This is provided that the action of displaying the ToolTip does not ‘cripple’ everything else during the second or so it takes to happen (I’ve seen that happen before in other software on some PCs, so I assume it’s a Microsoft ‘problem’ or else down to the individual PC setup). Hence my suggestion that if implemented, it should be optional. :wink: