If alternative cue points are enabled, the TEXT button for the alternative cue point dialog does not seem to be included in the tab order.
Also, if pitch and tempo sliders are enabled, the tab order seems counter-intuitive, going from the main TEST button to Tempo—and not to Amplification, then Tempo, as one would expect.
Finally, when the selected control is Amplification, Tempo, or Pitch, the behaviour of the right and left arrows keys is peculiar. It seems that only the first six keypresses operate the slider; for example, one can only change the Tempo from 0 to ±0.6 using the left or right arrow keys. Any further keypresses after the sixth one seem to get stuck in the keyboard buffer, becuase clicking a different slider (such as the Position slider), seems to free up the keyboard buffer, and all ‘stuck’ keypresses are immediately applied to the new slider you have clicked on. For example, if four keypresses have been ‘stuck’ while adjusting Tempo, and the Position slider is currently at zero, clicking the Position slider immediately moves the Position to 0:04.
It always seems to be keypresses after the sixth one on the same slider (Amplification, Tempo, or Pitch) which are ‘stuck’ in the keyboard buffer like this. Why six keypresses? I don’t know, but it does seem to be consistent after numerous tests here.
I hope all that makes sense? Please ask if you need any further information or clarification.
In this build, the Amplification slider now operates with left/right arrow keys without any ‘limitations,’ so arrow keys do move the slider to the full extent in both directions However, the increments applied by a left/right arrow key seem inconsistent, especially Shift+left/right arrow key, which sometimes moves by 0.5, sometimes a slightly but subtly different amount (rounding error or similar?). The net result is that it’s not possible to return Amplification to 0.0 using the arrows keys alone.
The Pitch/Tempo sliders now have a black line below them (?). And they still have this peculiar ‘limit’ of ±0.6 using the left/right arrow keys. And pressing left/right arrow keys after that still seems to have the keypresses ‘lurking’ in the keyboard buffer, so that clicking on the Position slider after that (without pressing anything else) moves the Position slider unintentionally by the number of seconds = the ‘extra’ unaccounted-for/unprocessed keypresses.
PS: Can you please tell me the UNITS for the Amp/Pitch/Tempo sliders? I’m guessing that Pitch and Tempo are percentages (unless Pitch is in semitones?) and that Amplification is probably (?) dB. I need to know this for the manual. ;D
I have absolutely no idea where this arrow key bug comes from. I’m not able to reproduce it either, at least not every time.
The units are:
Aplification: dB
Pitch: Semitones
Tempo: Percentage
The sliders use a different resolution internally to allow fractions, and also to have 0dB in the middle of the scale while still offering a feasible range for the amplification value.
The lines below the the Tempo and Pitch sliders result from an incorrect Tick value I used in Build 888. I will change that back to the old value.
(Edit) Oh, and I forgot to mention: To reset any of the values to 0, just double-click the value label.
AH: Double-click the label, right. I was double-clicking the slider pointer, like one does in almost every other application I can think of! :
The Windows UX guidelines don’t state a ‘standard’ way to reset a slider to its default value (obviously, I’ve checked :D), but I genuinely think that method will confuse people: was it just easier to program by doing it that way?
Oh, and MANY thanks for the info. about the units. I know space in that dialog is tight, but maybe you could state the units on the dialog, either on the right of the sliders, or as part of the existing labels, like this: Pitch
That way, no-one would need to reach for the manual to check the units …