b885: mAirListTag issues/suggestions

Let me say first that I do realise that the browser in mAirListTag is merely a copy of the standard mAirList browser. :slight_smile:

Having said that … that does cause some potential ‘confusions’ for the user. So if the browser object could be subclassed (superclassed?) to include the changes I suggest below, it would reduce or eliminate those potential confusions.

[ul][li]The Add button menu should not include ‘irrelevant’ items like clocks and the Recycle Bin.[/li]
[li]The Database Playlist pane should not include the ‘gears’ icon and its menu, because the user may think that they can load/append the Database Playlist into the main mAirList Playlist, when actually, they can’t.[/li]
[li]The items in the Database Playlist pane should not allow changes, so there should not be a context menu for the Database Playlist items, nor should the user have the ability to copy/move/delete items; because none of those changes are actually saved in the mAirListDB database.[/li][/ul]

As I said above, I realise these changes may not be easy to make, or even possible. But if I were a new user, I could easily think that (for example) moving or deleting an item in a Databse Playlist in the mAirListTag browser was actually making those changes to my mAirListDB database! :o And until I opened mAirListDB to check, I would be very worried about that.

Does that make sense?


The database playlist browser should be read-only, that’s true. Build 887 will fix that.

Regarding mAirListTag, the browser is exactly a copy of the playout window browser. That’s why it offers the same set of browser panes (which is, by the way, compiled automatically according to the registered and loaded modules) I will check if I can apply a filter somewhere.

Oh, and to answer your requestion regarding sub-classing: That’s not possible, because the browser is subclassed already, once for the “old style” and once for the “new style” panes. Delphi doesn’t support polymorphism, so it’s not possible to introduce another subclass for the purpose of mAirListTag.

Perhaps you can just add a note to the manual that some of the browser functionality is not available in mAirListTag.