Let me say first that I do realise that the browser in mAirListTag is merely a copy of the standard mAirList browser.
Having said that … that does cause some potential ‘confusions’ for the user. So if the browser object could be subclassed (superclassed?) to include the changes I suggest below, it would reduce or eliminate those potential confusions.
[ul][li]The Add button menu should not include ‘irrelevant’ items like clocks and the Recycle Bin.[/li]
[li]The Database Playlist pane should not include the ‘gears’ icon and its menu, because the user may think that they can load/append the Database Playlist into the main mAirList Playlist, when actually, they can’t.[/li]
[li]The items in the Database Playlist pane should not allow changes, so there should not be a context menu for the Database Playlist items, nor should the user have the ability to copy/move/delete items; because none of those changes are actually saved in the mAirListDB database.[/li][/ul]
As I said above, I realise these changes may not be easy to make, or even possible. But if I were a new user, I could easily think that (for example) moving or deleting an item in a Databse Playlist in the mAirListTag browser was actually making those changes to my mAirListDB database! :o And until I opened mAirListDB to check, I would be very worried about that.
Does that make sense?