b790: Wrong sort order in Attributes filter (Edit Hour Template dialog)

It’s a minor bug, I know :D, but on the Edit Hour Template dialog in mAirListDB, if you add an Attribute filter for Track, we have the same sort order problem (1, 10…19, 2, 20…29, 3, 4, 5, etc.).

It also seems that the dropdowns in the Attribute Filter dialog don’t always appear when you first click on the ‘space.’ ‘Sometimes’ (?) I seem to have to try to type into the ‘space’ to force the dropdown to appear. Could that simply be slow performance in SQLite (again!)?


Attribute values are always strings, so a lexicographic order is used. Sorry, numbers!

I’m not sure about the other issue. Haven’t been able to reproduce it. The attribute values are fetched from the database just before the dialog appears, so it might be a delay caused by SQLite.

Specifying Synchronous=OFF does indeed cure the ‘slow dropdowns’ bug. ;D


Interesting. I thought it would only affect write operations.

By the way, the database configuration dialog (for the local DB) was broken in Build 791. I’m uploading b792.

The latter bug is sorted out. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback. Time to go back to sleep :wink:

For me, too. Even though I don’t have a little boy who will wake me up early in the morning… :wink:

Or in the middle of the night :wink:

Hopefully not. :slight_smile: Good night!