b770: 'Unknown' and FP errors when item duration is less than EOF time

First bug: if an item’s duration is less than the Player’s EOF warning time, the Player does not flash when the item is played.

Second bug: Still not possible to enable EOF warning overlay without ALSO enabling Ramp overlay.

Third bug: I got two errors with dialogs when I enable EOF (and Ramp) overlay, and used a Playlist with my ‘shorter than EOF warning time’ item in it. Bug report files attached. The first one was an ‘unknown’ error, then many floating-point errors. Possibly related to translating times from FP to a format for overlay?


b770-Overlay-bug-bugreport.txt (25.5 KB)

b770-Overlay-bug-bugreport-2.txt (24.4 KB)

All three bugs should be sorted out in Build 771, now available.

The mystery of #2 has also been lifted - the redraw timer was only enabled if any of the “show progress bar”, “ramp overlay”, or “update backtiming with current time” was switched on, which doesn’t seem to be the case in your configuration. The “EOf warning overlay” option was missing in the filter.

WONDERFUL! And thank you as always, especially with your ‘ever-increasing’ spare time! :wink:

Hope you are all well, and I will check b771 a little later.