b1434 Playlist Control Bar button colours

If you have custom colours for PCB buttons, the ‘hover’ colouring of buttons ‘interferes’ with this; as an example, a button doesn’t change from its InactiveButtonColour to its ButtonColour when clicked, until the pointer is moved away from the button.

PS: What is the correct skin.ini entry in v4.0 to change the font used for Playlist Control Bar buttons? This used to be ToolbarFont… but this doesn’t seem to work any more.


Can you give an example skin for the bug you’re reporting?

Generally, buttons have five possible states: Inactive, InactiveHover, Active, ActiveHover, Disabled

You can define different colors for each of these states using the key “Button”+State+“Color”:


“ButtonColor” is a shortcut to set all five colors at the same time.

If you want to set different colors for the individual buttons, use one of these button names as a prefix (all Control Bar and Edit Bar buttons are listed below):

AssistAuto (not used if separate assist/auto buttons are turned on in the config)

e.g. AssistButtonInactiveColor

You can not only change the Color but also the BorderColor, FontName, FontColor, FontStyle and FontSize. So to answer your second question: Use ButtonFontName.

There’s a bug in the current versions however that won’t recognize the Font lines unless you type “Font” twice, e.g. “ButtonFontFontName”. I will fix that as soon as possible.

Fixed in v4.0.4.1264 and v4.1.0.1436.

OK, I’m starting to get there. :smiley:

The button colours are now working. I had to add ActiveHoverColor lines for each one. However, if you have a combined AssistAuto button, I can’t see how you can have two Hover colours (one when in AUTO and one when in ASSIST)?

I also now have my preferred font on the AssistAuto button. But I can’t seem to be able to change to font of anything else in the Playlist Control Bar (like the Items Remaining box), or in the Edit Bar (like Fixed Time, Comments, Ending, etc.). Do these ‘text’ items have separate skin.ini names, or are they like the Cue Editor, where the font etc. cannot be changed?


In the Control Bar, everything is a button. See the names I quoted above, e.g. “EndTime” for what you call the “Items remaining box”.

A simple “ButtonFontName” line should affect all of them.

For the combined ASSIST/AUTO button, “inactive” state is ASSIST, “active” state is AUTO. Use AssistAutoButtonInactiveHoverColor and AssistAutoButtonActiveHoverColor to set the respective hover colors.

I believe there is no way to change the appearance of the non-button controls (e.g. the comment text field) in the Edit Bar currently.