b1428: mAirListTag starts playback at ~22 seconds into the track

This is an odd one.

In PFL, tracks play from the start; in mAirListTag, after a delay while it builds the waveform, it starts playback about 22 seconds into the track and NOT from the beginning. (?)

Also it would be nice to have mAirListTag NOT go straight into ‘play’ mode: I prefer to press ‘play’ when I am ready, so at present, the track plays and I then have to stop and rewind it first. This is quite annoying; and I think there was an option in 3.1 to tell mAirListTag NOT to play the track immediately the cue point editor is open.


How can the playback start 22 seconds earlier than the beginning of the track? Do you hear silence and see the player advance?

Sorry, my post obviously was unclear.

What happens when a track is double-clicked in mAirListTag is:

  1. The tabbed dialog opens.
  2. I click the Cue Editor tab.
  3. The Ajax cursor displays while the waveform is built (this takes a long time).
  4. Simultaneously with 3) above, the item starts playing from a point at approximately 0’22" (22 seconds after the beginning of the item). It’s difficult to give you a precise timing for this because mAirListTag starts playback immediately (yet anotheer reason I would prefer an option to NOT start playback immediately ;D), but it’s between 0’21" and 0’23", and the ‘offset’ seems to be consistent regardless of which track is opened.
  5. I click PAUSE, then REWIND.
  6. Some time later, the waveform is displayed.

I hope that makes the problem clearer.
