Automation next & Hotkey setting

Hi torben,

Just a few quick questions.

before, you may remember, i wanted to be able to have one button that when pressed did the following “AUTOMATION 1 ON; AUTOMATION 1 NEXT; AUTOMATION 1 OFF”

Well, i’m just setting this up on a computer now with the new V.3 and it simply doesn’t work. when i use the command it ‘flickers’ the item in the playlist and where it says "next - A//b"etc it comes up ‘load’ when it flickers but nothing actually plays/happens beyond that.

Can you help please…

ALSO, in the remote control section, you enter the button, then you add and get the drop down list of commands. well for some reason i’m not getting that drop down list. is this right or is it a bug??

Many Thanks

Sorry for putting in wrong area!

realised once i’d hit the POST button!

Never mind.

Thanks for this detailed report. I already know why this happens. It’s related to mAirList’s new multithreading capabilities. Let’s see how I can solve this.

ALSO, in the remote control section, you enter the button, then you add and get the drop down list of commands. well for some reason i'm not getting that drop down list. is this right or is it a bug??

This is a bug and has already been fixed in the latest snapshot:

That’s Brilliant.

Thanks as always for your speedy response. Just wondering if you can think of any temporary solution i could use to have the automation feature working until it is resolved?

Many Thanks

Try to use this script instead:


(not tested)

Can i just check.

To make it work i just paste the scripts location into the hotkey command box?

or do i have to add something else before it?

Many Thanks

You have to save the script as a text file with the .mls extension, e.g. “c:\”. Then type “RUNSCRIPT c:\” into the command box in the hotkey config.

Thanks very much torben. Nice work. Unfortunatly though, i couldn’t get the script to work. :frowning:

Thanks again.

Are you getting an error message or so? Can you run the script with Open -> Run Script? Any error message would appear in the status bar at the bottom of the main window.

i have just tried running the script via ‘open’ and it does exactly what it should.

just cant get it to work on a hotkey.

I have tried both of these:

RUNSCRIPT scripts\

and tried putting a " at the start and end of the command to see if it made any difference.

does that look about right to you?

You should specify the complete absolut path, e.g.

RUNSCRIPT C:\fullpath\scripts\

I’m not sure if path names with spaces (e.g. “C:\Program Files…”) will work. If not, just create a new folder somewhere where there’s no spaces in the path.

By the way, to clarify this, you need to enter the command without quotes.

YOU GENIOUS!! :slight_smile:

Top work, all is how it should be.

Thank you very much.

Ah, just one quick question. what do i need to do to that script to make it work on a seperate playlist/player on another hotkey??


“CurrentPlaybackControl” is the first playlist, just like “PlaybackControl(0)”. (In earlier versions, CurrentPlaybackControl was the playlist the script was invoked from, e.g. when run through a playlist’s event scheduler, but now it’s only a synonym for the first playlist.)

Then, “PlaybabackControl(1)” would be the second one, and so on.

This script does not reference any particular player as you can see. It just tells the automation to skip to the next item, whatever players are involved in that operation. It’s exactly the same thing as clicking on NEXT.

So in the script i should change it to:


or should it be without the (brackets)?

This way:


(without the “Current”)

NEARLY correct, lackster!

The correct format is:
… and so on.

PlaybackControl(n), where n is a number from zero upwards (zero = Playlist 1, 1 = Playlist 2, etc.) is always the best way to refer to a specific Playlist in a script.

Hope that helps.