Assistance with Schematics/Circuit Diagram

Please forgive me if I’m abusing the MairList system here, and feel free to redirect me to where I can find an answer

Need some help from anyone who is familiar with the MBI Broadcast Systems Series 16 Desk.

I bought the desk from a Student Radio station in New Zealand on the understanding that pertinent information was provided; service manual, operational manual, circuit diagrams and the such like, and it appears in typical student fashion all important information to restore this mixer to a usable state is lost.

So I humbly ask that anyone who is familiar with these units or better still has the necessary manuals to contact me so I can get this beast sorted.

It has two Mic/Line channels, seven stereo channels with no eq, and no phone facility and the whole system has a “ducking” channel and an Aux bus.

As an aside, as I’m one of those folks who love to repair things rather than replace them, I’ve chosen to dis-assemble every ALPS fader and clean out 20 years ? of coffee slop, sly grog, putrified wine, and dried pie crumbs and other furry (yuk) stuff in order to start make each channel marginally usable.

Next are the switches, and that I’m not looking forward to.

My skills as a watchmaker are being resurrected after 40 years.

Happy happy joy joy.

Please help me put this wonderful example of British (supposedly) engineering out of it’s, and my misery!

Try contacting these guys:

They use an MBI 16 and look like the sort to have the manuals!

I take it that you HAVE already tried contacting MBI direct? Most makers are happy to help provide docs. for old kit, if they still have copies. Remember that in the UK, Soundcraft supply MBI, so always worth contacting them (v. nice helpful people IME).


Sadly I don’t have any technical info on these but have used them. Aside from the latching on/off buttons (which I always forgot to reset) they’re pretty good desks. Obviously if you want to work a phone hybrid into it you can feed it from the Aux Send.

Good luck and keep us posted…

[quote=“Cad, post:2, topic:5393”]Try contacting these guys:

They use an MBI 16 and look like the sort to have the manuals!

I take it that you HAVE already tried contacting MBI direct? Most makers are happy to help provide docs. for old kit, if they still have copies. Remember that in the UK, Soundcraft supply MBI, so always worth contacting them (v. nice helpful people IME).


Thanks CAD, My business mate has done some ferreting and was sent some unfortunately illegible phot-copy/stat reproductions of the mixers and the like.

Naturally we were grateful, but thats the best we’ve done so far, so your redirection is thankfully acknowledged.

Actually a phone hybrid is something I’d like to acquire to save me redesigning a passive unit I have in a state of disrepair.

I’m not wonderful at metalwork and would like to think that there’s something out there that I could just plug in.

Thanks so far, team.