Id there any way to convert an MLP file to a text file for a simple log?
I have a couple of logs to make & and did not have the log feature running for the show. I would save a lot of effort having to type them all out.
Can you also switch logging on & off within a playlist? The reason is, you might do some production work which does not need logging & you might want it switched off for that time.
Is there a delimiter between the Log variables. It would be handy if there were some examples after the variable descriptions in the wiki, especially for non programming types like me!
Before answering your question, converting the items in an MLP into a text file is not quite the same thing as a log. A log file tells you (to the second) precisely when each Item starts and stops playout: converting an MLP to TXT will merely show you the list of items in the Playlist, without any dates/times and with no indication of whether each Item was actually played out or not. Also, an MLP does not usually contain any Album or Track info; depending on how you set up your log file, a log file usually does contain that info.
I have a couple of logs to make & and did not have the log feature running for the show. I would save a lot of effort having to type them all out.
OK, I see where you're coming from. :) An MLP file is an XML file, hence it is [i]already[/i] a text file! You can open it quite happily in Notepad (or Word, or Writer, or …) and simply edit out the bits you don't need. At a guess, you'll only want the Title and Artist of each track. Just open it in your preferred WP program and you'll see it's very easy to work with. Almost all mAirList data files are saved in a similarly 'easy to work with' text-based XML format.
Can you also switch logging on & off within a playlist?
I don't think you can do so [i]within[/i] a Playlist, but as I understand it, that's what the ON AIR button is for. That isn't a feature I use myself. If you already use a custom screen layout (i.e. not the default one mAirList uses when first installed), you can easily add an On Air button to it.
Is there a delimiter between the Log variables.
Er, no: unless you yourself add one as part of your log format string. For example, to add a tab character, you would add
a %t (see below). To add a comma, just type one in the string (but tabs are a better choice ;)).
It would be handy if there were some examples after the variable descriptions in the wiki
By that, do you mean an example of what each variable might return (e.g. Artist [Kylie Minogue]), or do you mean complete example log strings
(%Y-%M-%D%t%h%m%s%t%a%t%b%t%i{TYER} [2009-02-2019:17:04BeatlesMoney1962])?
To use %i log variables, you need to know your ID3v2 tag names (TYER, TALB, etc.). ;D
Sorry, the term “layout” was confusing me. I always think of “layout.ini” when I hear it. When you think of “the set of activated screen objects” instead, you are perfectly right.