Hello Torben
I hope you can help me out on this. I am using centovacast as broadcast software for the audio streams but i can’t see the cover arts on centova or website. How can we add this to centova or stream
Hello Torben
I hope you can help me out on this. I am using centovacast as broadcast software for the audio streams but i can’t see the cover arts on centova or website. How can we add this to centova or stream
No idea.
No idea with Centovacast, but Album Art is not transmitted in the data stream to the server during encoding.
2 methods to achieve what you are after, but both will require coding.
Use the iTunes or Last FM API’s to fetch the album artwork based on the Artist - Title. You can either pull the Artist - Title from the server, or get mAirList’s Logging feature to push that data to your website. You will then need some PHP code to receive that, and search for the artwork.
Be a crazy mad man like me, and load all the artwork and details into a database on your website, and then grab the data from there in real-time, as mAirList sends it to the website.
I’m even more crazy than that though, as I’m reviewing each and ever track on the system, which is why it is taking some time to complete. I’ve done 36 so far, only 218 to go!
Centova cast will show album cover arts only if you use the auto dj. In the case you send the audio to server through mAirlist, there’s no way… Yet.
…because it’s simply not part of the Shoutcast/Icecast metadata update protocol.
Hello Thorben,
It must still be possible to detect the album art in the ID3 tag and send it on, equal to Artist (% a) and title (% b).
Or am I wrong?
Would be a nice addition to Mairlist…
Not really, an image is something completely different then a line of text…
Absolutely so it depends more on the target, you want to send this data to. Neither Shoutcast nor Icecast can handle any image data. If you are using an own Webserver as a target, there should be a way, to do that. @Gert You may want to specify exactly, how your target server is handeling meta Data and image data, than we can see if we can find a way to deal with it, from mAirlist as a source.
Yes but I don’t see the point in sending so much data. If you just use the ID or externalID for reference and upload your images with that reference to your webserver the whole thing is far more light weight. In fact if you use the externalID and have a mysql database with all song info that is the only data you need to post to your webserver. That’s the way it works with us (zoe.fm/player and zoe.fm/playlist).
Yes, sure, I’m doing an even more light weight one. I’m scraping the Album Art from last.fm (or others), if I need it. This way I’m not related to mAirlist only. This thing grabs the META Data directly from the stream server, so any source, even our live DJs could display the correct Album-Art (Not yet implemented on production). On the other hand, that only makes sense for typical webcasting, where you have tons of studios spreaded through out the country, not for professional centralised broadcasting, with a central music library, as you have that.
We working with Shoutcast…
As stated before, neither Shoutcast nor Icecast can handle images as additional META Data.
I’m interesting about that
Because our station is broadcated by DAB+ and for the moment, WE don’t have the benefit of SLS.
all art covers are in the MP3 metadata. And I wonder how to send it to the mux encoder.