Question is it possible to adjust the volume also via the mixeditor if a mp3 is to loud than we adjust it via the volume of the wave editor like in adobe edtion
Question is it possible to adjust the volume also via the mixeditor if a mp3 is to loud than we adjust it via the volume of the wave editor like in adobe edtion
Thanks Chad
This is great. I found it. Can you tell me how is the progress ongoing for voicetracking ?
Voice tracking implementation will be started after the release of v4.0.
Having had a good play with v4 over the past few days (and submitted a bug via the new reporting system) - I’m really liking it although I think the Mix Editor needs a few tweaks so I’m suggesting them here rather than report/feature-request them on the ticketing system…
The Volume Points are too small and easily missed (thus creating a new volume point) - I find it hard to get the cross-hair point when moving the mouse around. Is there any way to increase the size of them so they resemble the ones in Cool Edit?
The Snap-to of the 2nd track when attempting to drag it before the start-point of the previous item is annoying - can it not just bounce back, say, 0.5 sec ?
Related to this, I noticed a few times (although not often) that the overlaps wouldn’t play if the next item was less than 0.5 sec after the previous item - I recall this being an issue with v3 where you needed 500mS of playing time before you could fire-off the next track.