Adjust volume via mixeditor

Question is it possible to adjust the volume also via the mixeditor if a mp3 is to loud than we adjust it via the volume of the wave editor like in adobe edtion




Drag from the TOP of the waveform “window/block” DOWNWARDS, and you should see a volume envelope ‘line.’ You can then add points and drag line sections as you would in audio edit/mix programs such as Adobe, Reaper, and ACID.


Thanks Chad

This is great. I found it. Can you tell me how is the progress ongoing for voicetracking ?



Voice tracking implementation will be started after the release of v4.0.

Having had a good play with v4 over the past few days (and submitted a bug via the new reporting system) - I’m really liking it although I think the Mix Editor needs a few tweaks so I’m suggesting them here rather than report/feature-request them on the ticketing system…

  1. The Volume Points are too small and easily missed (thus creating a new volume point) - I find it hard to get the cross-hair point when moving the mouse around. Is there any way to increase the size of them so they resemble the ones in Cool Edit?

  2. The Snap-to of the 2nd track when attempting to drag it before the start-point of the previous item is annoying - can it not just bounce back, say, 0.5 sec ?

  3. Related to this, I noticed a few times (although not often) that the overlaps wouldn’t play if the next item was less than 0.5 sec after the previous item - I recall this being an issue with v3 where you needed 500mS of playing time before you could fire-off the next track.

If I recall, it was 200mS in v3: at least, in my case, on ‘ancient’ kit. But I take your point. :slight_smile:
