

Im having trouble trying to download extras from the BASS website. I’m looking to be able to insert WMA files into playlists on mAirList, but even after downloading the file into the mAirList folder on my hardrive, I can’t activiate its use.

Any advice



mAirList still uses BASS 2.3 and also needs version 2.3 of all BASS add-ons. However, Un4seen now only offers the current 2.4 series of their products on their download page.

Furtunately, the old versions are still available. You just have to manually edit the download link and replace “24” by “23”. Example:

BASSWMA 2.4 link:
Derived BASSWMA 2.3 link:

I understand that this is far from convenient, but I can’t do anything about it. I have talked to Ian from Un4seen, but he refuses to put links to the old versions online. He argues that BASS 2.3 is outdated, people should use BASS 2.4, and old the add-ons should not be available for download any longer.

Unfortunately, BASS 2.3 and BASS 2.4 are not compatible, so I cannot just switch to BASS 2.4 instantly. It requires massive changes to the mAirList source code, and I think it’s too dangerous to do this with the stable release (mAirList 2.2). And as the 2.4 version of the add-ons are not compatible with BASS 2.3 either, you will still have to use BASSWMA 2.3 etc. with mAirList 2.2. It’s not your choice. (This is the fact Ian neglects when refusing to offer the add-ons for download.)

The good news is that mAirList 3.0 will be based on BASS 2.4, so everything will be alright (until the next incompatible release of BASS).

Disclaimer: Apart from that little problem, BASS is a great product. Recommend it to all your software developer friends :slight_smile: