Add 'Default Folders' to Config

The post title says it all, really.

I think the time has come for a new Default Folders node in the Config tree. The associated ‘right-hand pane’ form would contain a series of captions, TextBoxes, and ellipsis buttons to launch a dialog similar to the ‘add folder’ dialog in the Browser, to allow the user to select the default folder for that entry.

The items would be read in from sefaultdirectories.ini when Config launces, and written back to that file when Save is pressed, similar to other Config functions. Any ‘unused’ entries would show as blank in the Config pane; and those entires would also be ‘blanked out’ when the file is written.

IMHO, I think most people would expect to find this feature in Config, rather than having to manually edit a .ini file. :smiley:

What do you think, Torben?


First step would be to generate a list of all default folder entries used currently :slight_smile:

This information IS still stored in defaultdirectories.ini, isn’t it?


Sure. But there is no central location in which a list of all possible keys is stored.

Hmm …

we do seem to keep having that problem with various things in mAirList, don’t we?!! :smiley: