Account Registration and License Management

All of our licenses are managed through the customer area on our website, which can be accessed through

This article explains how to create an account in the customer area, how to manage your licenses, and how to activate them in the software.

Create Account

You must create an account before you can manage your licenses or redeem a voucher code. Accounts will not be auto-created.

Note: When you buy a license through our online shop partner Digital River (MyCommerce), and created an account/password during checkout, this will not be the same as the mAirList customer account. You must always register separately at our system, which is totally separate from the online shop user database.

Go to and click “Register”:

On the next page, enter your e-mail address and solve the captcha to confirm that you are not a robot:

The system will now send an e-mail to the address you entered:

Check your inbox for that e-mail, and click the link to continue. You will be taken to the account registration form. On that page, enter your name and company/organization (if applicable) and choose a password:

Important: When registering as a personal (home) user, leave the “Company/Organization/Affiliation” field empty, or you will not be able to register a discounted home user license!

After completing the form, your account will be created and you will be logged in:


When you click your e-mail address in the menu bar, and then “Profile” from the popup menu, you will be taken to the Customer Profile page:

Name, E-Mail and Affiliation

You cannot change your name, e-mail or affiliation on your own. Please send an e-mail to if you need any of these details to be changed.

Change Password

You can change your password by entering the old password and the new one (twice).

Home User Agreement

Licenses that were purchased with a home user discount require you to sign our Home User Agreement before they can be registered. You can access the form from the Profiles page. Please read the conditions carefully, and confirm them by entering your e-mail address:

Redeem Voucher

When you buy a license through our online shop, the shop will send you a license voucher code (sixteen characters formatted as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX). You can find it in the confirmation e-mail sent by the shop.

In order to register the license, go to the “Redeem Voucher” page and enter the code, then click Continue:

Note: If the license voucher you purchased was an upgrade from an older version, you will be asked which if your existing licenses you are going to upgrade with it.

My Licenses

You can find an overview of your licenses on the “My Licenses” page:

To view a license and manage it, click “Show Details”:

The Hostname/Remark field allows you to enter an arbitrary text that will be displayed alongside the license in your list of available licenses. If you have a lot of licenses, you can e.g. enter the name of the computer or its location, to help you identify which licenses is running on which computer.

Activate the License in the Software

Licenses must be activated before they can be used. This is typically done through the License Manager built into the software. This method required internet access (at least once during license download) - see below for an alternative activation method that can be used offline.

The License Manager is part of all of our sofware products, and typically pops up when you run the software for the first time after installing it. It can also be run manually later. You can find it here:

  • mAirList Radio Automation: In the Windows Start Menu (“mAirList” group), or in the dropdown menu next to the mAirList button in the playout window toolbar.
  • Audio Logger: On the About tab in the main window.
  • BroadcastThings Connect: In the Help menu of the main window.

If you have just installed the software, it will complain that there is no license installed:

In order to activate your purchased license (from the My Licenses page in the customer area), click Download/Activate, and enter your e-mail and password. You will see a list of available licenses:


Licenses will be displayed in different font styles depending on their status:

  • Regular font: The licenses is not currently activated and is ready to be installed on this computer.
  • Bold font: The licenses is already activated for this computer, and you can re-download the license file (this is sometimes necessary when additional features were added to an existing license).
  • Italic+gray font: The license is already activated, but for a different computer. Activation must be reset before you can install the license again. See below for details.

Select the license you are going to install, and click OK to continue. A dialog will pop up, asking you to confirm that you are going to activate the license for this computer (identified by its Hardware ID, an encrypted hash which is calculated from several properties of your computer, like hardware, Windows activation etc.):


Click “Activate now”, and the license will be installed and is ready to be used:

Reset the Activation

If you plan to move the installation to another computer, you must reset the activation through the customer area before you can activate the license again on the new computer.

In some (rare) cases, it can also happen that the Hardware ID of your computer changes unexpectedly. Most of the time, this is linked to events like changes of hardware (hard drive etc.) or major Windows or BIOS updates. In this case, you must also reset the activation, and re-download/-activate the license on your computer using the License Manager.

First, log into the customer area, go to the My Licenses page, and open the details of the license you are going to reset. Scroll down to the Activation section, and you will see that the license is currently activated, and for which Hardware ID:

Click the link, and you will be taken to the Reset Activation form:

Please read the information carefully. In particular, when you are moving to a new computer, you must make sure that the software is removed from the old one.

After you confirm, the activation will be reset, and you can use the License Manager again to download/activate it (see above).

Note: If you reset your license frequently, it may happen that our support staff will first have to review your request. In this case, the system will first issue an Emergency Activation, which will allow you to use the license on any computer for seven days. As soon as your reset request has been approved by support, you will receive an e-mail notification. Don’t forget to activate the regular license again before the emergency activation has expired!

Advanced Topics

We will add more topics to this article soon, including:

  • FTDI dongle activation
  • Troubleshooting