[quote=“shorty.xs, post:39, topic:11042”]Also if I try to bring back the stdout to mairlist brings the same problem.

ffmpeg-hi10-heaac.exe -v 16 -re -i - -vn -codec:a libfdk_aac -ar 44100 -ab 32k -profile:a aac_he -content_type audio/aacp -

Are you sure that you want loglevel 16 (-v 16)? Doesn’t that put extra output to stdout?

for the batch file it was Ok.
I just tried -v -8 (quiet) in mAirlist but no differnce.

ffmpeg-hi10-heaac.exe -v -8 -re -i - -vn -codec:a libfdk_aac -ar 44100 -ab 32k -profile:a aac_he -content_type audio/aacp -

Never the less fortunatley I found some enc_aacplus.dll, enc_aacPlus.exe, nscrt.dll that work for me.