A Flashing Problem!

Me and my flashes…!

EOF - I’ve been trying to get my Players to change (to a static) colour when hitting the EOF warning (5s from end - in the Player config), but I can only get a flashing Player - and not the colours I have shown!

Just to translate the colour-codes:

Unloaded: System Grey
Loaded: Cream
Playing: Green
EOF: OrangeGold

At best, I get a flashing Green&Grey Player - What I’m after is a Player that changes from it’s normal Green playing state to a static Orange when it’s 5s from the end. I’ve tried un-ticking the “Regard FadeOut as EOF” and also the “EOF Flash” option…

Perhaps it’s just my “flashing rules” coming back to bite me on the bum!

EmptyColor=#cccccc LoadedColor=#FFFFCC NextColor=#FFFFCC PFLColor=#EEEE22 PlayingColor=#22FF88 PausedColor=#FFFF66 FadeColor=#22CCFF EOFColor=#FF8822

You cannot set a fixed color for the “EOF waning” period at the moment. You can only make the player flash between the PlayingColor and FlashEOFColor values. (The latter defaults to gray but can be overwritten in skin.ini.)

I will add a respective option in one of the upcoming versions.
