# 10060 Error

Hi guys,

I have this big problem and we are not able to find a solution here on our internet radio team. We haven’t change anything but suddenly got this errors:

Kind Regards

Do you have a firewall in operation?

Hi Tondose,
I will reply for Lars.
Yes we have of course a firewall and it is checked without any error and all needed port are open: 8840 & 9840. We can connect via Remote Desktop from different places, but we cannot connect database via DB internet client in mairlist. local DB, works fine.

Best Regards,
Jes, Denmark

Database server started fine with this:
HTTP Server started on port 8840
HTTPS Server started on port 9840

It dosen’t work… :-1:
And we have made basic checks, restarted the equipment and also our router and duoble checked all ports and I think it might be in mAirlist???

Did you try a search within the board with „10060“ before? There is quite a lot of related stuff in there. (What I learned so far: „10060“ means „Connection timed out“. So it doesn’t seem to be directly mAirList-related.)

Trying the easiest first.
Did you already try to reboot the node which is serving your database server?

Is the database server running without errors?

Did the OS update? Could the update have deployed firewall settings without you knowing?

Then, is this public IP of yours fixed or could this change from your ISP?

I’ve had the same, reboot did the trick. But probably a lot of small error could cause this.

I try to answer as good I’m able to. We already know that it is “Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out”. We have also checked the firewall. HTTP Server started on port 8840 HTTPS Server started on port 9840. For the last 2 days we can not connect to the database from MariList.

This issue happened after upgrading to MairList 7.4.3. Now we have downgraded to 7.3.7 but it did not solve the problem.

Yes we tried to reboot. Now we got 2-3 errors in the playlist instead very hour.

[FIREDAC Phys SQLite ERROR: Database (disk image is malformed]

is this public IP of yours fixed or could this change from your ISP?

  • I am not sure what you mean, sorry :slight_smile: ?

I think this is a nice clue: [FIREDAC Phys SQLite ERROR: Database (disk image is malformed] And I would investigate the SQLite database first. Is it working on the host computer?

Public IP is the IP provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) normally, in Norway at least, for a “home user” this could change very now and then. Or you could pay to have it not change ever… Seems like the IP is not the issue.

Another tip, for free! Don’t publish your public IP on the internet. Now this forum knows a way into your network, and we also know which two ports are open. With the wrong person… this can be exploited :frowning: