XML to single line TXT

As we have some XML parts for our program, on our server URL: http://972.fm/vrijeme-zadar.php we have current weather data.

Is it possible to when playing Weather to add those TXT line in log .txt file as current weather value in form of example “Trenutno vrijeme: sumaglica, temperatura 7.34 C, vlaga 100 posto, tlak 1025 hPa”?
We use .TXT file to send Artist - Title information to stream and RT/RT+ value.

Original XML on server is:

$xml=simplexml_load_file("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Zadar,hr&appid=8641d7df671c598b4cd32fd384f9d35a&units=metric&lang=hr&mode=xml") or die("Zao nam je, podaci o vremenu trenutno nisu dostupni");
echo "Trenutno vrijeme: ";
echo $xml->weather['value'] . ", temperatura ";
echo $xml->temperature['value'] . " C, vlaga ";
echo $xml->humidity['value'] . " posto, tlak ";
echo $xml->pressure['value'] . " hPa";
echo $xml->body;