Winamp ID3 "comments" Field

I notice that Comments when entered via Winamp do not appear in mAirList, athough Winamp appears to read them when entered in mAirList… Bizarre.

When you save the tag from mAirList for the first time, the special (invisible) mAirList ID3 Tag is created. mAirList will then ignore the ordinary ID3 tag information when opening the file for the next time.

Example: You have a file with an empty comment and save the tag from within mAirList. Then you open the file in Winamp and enter a comment in the ID3v2 field. When you open that file in mAirList, the comment will be empty, because mAirList relies on its own tag and ignores any information from the ordinary tag.

However, for convenience, mAirList does update the ordinary artist and title fields when saving the tag.


PS: How do you like the new mAirListTag extension?