As stations seem to be using linear WAV files now, would it be possible for mAirList to read filenames in a “universal” format ? ie: Artist - Title.wav At present, WAV files appear in the Playlist with the whole filename (minus the .wav extension) showing in the Title field. I would imagine a delimiter character could be set via mAirListconfig (such as a hyphen) and this would then allow mAirList to “read” the filename format.
A little tip if you already have a WAV duplicate of your MP3 library - Make a copy of your MMD files, and then use the excellent Bulk Rename Utility* to replace the .mp3 extension with .wav - Then move them back into your MMD folder - You’ll then have identical data for both MP3 and WAV
I realise that I’ve just solved my own problem - but I suppose it’s something to think about :-\
- said utility is also great for tidying-up mis-spells of artists/groups and bringing your naming structure into some form of consistency (ie: and instead of &, and featuring instead of ft. or feat etc).