It occurred to me today that if such a widget doesn’t exist, then it should!
I was looking at my Junghans radio-controlled (from the Rugby MSN atomic clock) clock and I wondered whether there is some kind of USB widget available which does the same thing? The idea would be that the Windows clock could be synchronised to the USB device.
Before someone says ‘that’s what Internet time servers are for,’ my thought was to have a solidly accurate clock even if your Internet connection is down (sorry if that concept scares some readers ;)). Might also be handy for OB-type situations where you have live feeds coming into a live show in the studio, or for mission-critical PCs which are deliberately kept firewalled from the Big Bad Internet.
Does anyone know whether a ‘radio-controlled clock USB stick’ device exists?
Sonifex used to do the “Mentor”, available in the mid-late 90s - AFAIK, it was a serial device. One of it’s uses was as a companion for their HDX2000 automation software. It could also be used stand-alone or function as a server, with any LAN PC obtaining it’s time from the main PC/Mentor. In fact, they still sell it
I managed to get an old TomTom GPS reciver to update the time on my PC a couple of years ago. I completely forgot about the project to be honest. Worked very similar to the Mentor that Charlie suggested.
Don’t fancy the Sonifex: it doesn’t use what I consider a reliable time source (i.e. a real atomic clock!). Also don’t fancy the Galleon since it’s USA built, therefore will either fall to pieces quickly, if indeed it works at all; or else will weigh 45lb. and require its own custom water-cooled power supply.
TimeTools looks like the winner: many thanks again!