Hallo zusammen,
ist es möglich die Metadaten von der Logging-Schnittstelle auch per Telnet an einen Encoder zu senden?
Wir möchten einen externen Stream-Encoder nutzen, der die Daten derzeit nur per Telnet TCP/IP (Port 8996) entgegennimmt.
Was kann man denn da machen?
Auszug aus dem Manual:
The data format for each is the same and is described below. - Each update message is provided on a single line. - The line should start with TX-n to show which TX channel the update is being provided to. - If the line starts TX-ALL then the new metadata is used for all active TX channels. - There should then be one whitespace character. - And the rest of the line is then the metadata itself in the standard Icecast metadata format.For example, an update message to change the metadata on TX-0
TX-0 StreamTitle=‘Artist - Title’;StreamUrl=‘www.test.tld’;
- There are two parameters “StreamTitle” and “StreamUrl”.
- You may supply one or both parameters (if only one is supplied, the other remains unchanged).
- The new value is set by following the parameter name with an equals sign followed by the new value in single quotes and terminated with a semicolon.