I’m new to mAirlist. Can anyone tell me how to instruct mAirlist to load the next hour’s playlist automatically before the end of the current hour? I am running on a PC Widows XP using an iTunes music database.
This is definately something i’d like.
Something like when the 2nd to last item of the current playlist is playing, to load up the next hour which would be saved in a certain format so that it is recognised by mAirList e.g. Today’s hour 8:00 would be in saved file format as= 250408-2000 i.e (25/04/08-20:00)
Just some basic format like that. Then mAirlist can look for current time and load up the nearest avaiable hour or show error if therre is no playlist available. Even if it can’t be automated, but simply on a button click, find the m3u and load it.
I’m sure our schedule guru Charlie could help
I do have scripts at home for this, but don’t have access to them right now. There may be some on the forum (almost certainly in the German ones) if you search. I have one that runs every hour and loads the next playlist at 56:30 - this keeps the automation reasonably in check.
I’ve also got an AutomationJump script that moves to a DUMMY item based upon it’s title - This is useful when using 24hr playlists that have Hour Markers. You could easily modify the script to move to a :58 Ad Block or News ID if you like.
As I say, haven’t got access to them right now - but you should find some script ideas on the forum.
Ah very good!
Would be great if you could get them. Would come in very handy.
From my knowledge, iTunes does not have support for periodic (date + time) playlists. So you need to work with playlist files (in .mlp or .m3u format).
You do not need a script for that. Just create a new event in the Event Scheduler, set up the times as needed, and add a “Load playlist” action. In the dialog where you configure that action, check “enable substitution of variables” and manually insert variables for the date and time into the filename, e.g.
(this will be expanded to “c:\playlists\2008-04-26-00.m3u”). The variables are the same those used for logging: http://wiki.mairlist.com/index.php/Logging_Variables
By default, mAirList uses the current date and time for variable substitution. If you want to schedule the event a few minutes before the top of the hour, loading the playlist for the next hour, you have to enter the same amount of seconds into the “time offset” field. For example, when the event runs at :55:00, set the time offset to 300 (= 5 minutes).
Right - here are my scripts brought to you via the delights of USB memory sticks
Load Current Hour
Load Next Hour
Open Line Input
Close Line Input
Jump to Item (soft) ie: after next item
Jump to Item (hard) ie: do it now
I’ve removed my specific folders from them and just put a generic foldername - The comments inside the files should be self-explanatory. Have fun.
Jump To An Item.zip (1.06 KB)
Line Input.zip (679 Bytes)
Load Playlists.zip (718 Bytes)
Thanks for all the advice.
I tried the Event Scheduler, but I cannot get it to load the next hour (i.e. current + 1) even with the Time Offset option. E.g. when the current clock is 13:55:00 I want to load the next hour, 14:00:00. Is this possible?
Can’t seem to get the script option to work - dunno why.
What does the SystemLog window say ? (the bit down at the bottom of the screen) You can also force the script to run by selecting Open-Run Script and/or put it in your Actions menu in mAirListConfig. TimeOffset doesn’t matter with regards “next hour” - notice the now + 0.04166 bit - this means “plus one hour”.
I think what he means is that when the say, 2nd to last song/item of the hour begins of the current playlist, is it possible for mAirList to load the next hour playlist itself without manually running an action. Can that be done with time offset etc?
Well, you could run the script as a notification script and check the conditions in OnPlayerStart. But that doesn’t make much sense. It’s better to run it at a fixed time.
[quote=“Torben, post:5, topic:5001”]manually insert variables for the date and time into the filename, e.g.
Does this technique also work for the script filename in the Run script action? Could I use:
for example?
There is a reason why programmers use Y-M-D format for file names instead of the D-M-Y you suggest. You’ll understand this when you look at a directory with 100-plus files in it which are named in D-M-Y format and you need to find a specific one quickly!
I’d strongly suggest you use Y-M-D, so for your example date/time above, that would be 080425-2000.mlp (or .m3u).
(Belatedly noticed this in your orignal post!)
[quote=“Cad, post:11, topic:5001”]Does this technique also work for the script filename in the Run script action? Could I use:
for example?[/quote]
Yes, it does. Just tick the “variable substitution” box.
I'd strongly suggest you use Y-M-D, so for your example date/time above, that would be 080425-2000.mlp (or .m3u).
Remember that %Y is always four-digit in mAirList (and Delphi), so the filename should rather be 20080425-2000.mlp.
Hi Cad, I can see the logic in using a date format as you suggest, though most music/traffic schedulering software by default work in the opposite to this. Easily fixed though by changing the date format parameters.
Edit:We are also lucky that old playlists/schedules are exported to a spreadsheet ready for prs returns before the original file is deleted every 7 days so not a lot to search through.
Kind Regards tony
Tony: it’s only the output files from a Scheduler etc. that work best in that format; and Ryan may not be deleting his files every seven days like you are.
(PRS returns? AFAIK we’ve never been asked to make any PRS returns since we won our CRL a year ago!)
Confusingly, I like to keep the log files (text log of played items) in the YYYYxxxx format but the actual playlists in DDDxxx format. I like being different
Cad - you’ve probably got a blanket licence whereby a fixed fee is paid by the station and they don’t require an audit. Perhaps Tony is in a better position to clarify this ?
Edit: Having thought you would need to provide a quarterly return to PRS, they are now moving away to sample periods. Here they will ask (if required) for a return based I think on a single days output taken from a defined period of your output.
I know Oban FM, a community licence holder, submit PRS returns as I made certain before offering free production. My small reward (pence) will come from the returns which will include the copyright on some of the promos/beds I produced for them.
Kind regards Tony