A big thanks to everyone who helped me develop our “Simple Live-Assist” layout - which I posted here:
We have been using it during our current RSL broadcast and 99% of feedback from presenters is that they love it. The remaining 1% I think I can address one way or another!
A couple more questions if possible:
1/ Is it possible to make the directory/filename text in the browser window bigger?
2/ EOF flash warning. Is it possible to have an “end of sequence” warning instead? ie: get it to flash at the end of the last item in a sequence of items, rather than at the end of every item.
3/ I’m confused about the role of “on the fly” database and whether or not to set it to scan when mAirlist opens, or even if I need oen at all. We have a library of around 12000 songs/jingles. Without scanning when mAirlist opens it takes around 30 seconds to open (which is bad enough). With scanning on open it can take 2 hours or more to open! I have set-up a batch file to kill and re-open mAirlist with a scan at 3am every morning. I’m doing this because we add the odd new track from day to day, and I assume mAirlist needs to scan to realise the new track is there. However when setting-up mAirlist on another machine last night, I noticed that it was “seeing” directory content even before I had created an “on the fly” database. So I’m now wondering if I need a database at all!
4/ I’m also confused about song cross-fading. I’ve set it to cross fade at -12dB, but I’m not convinced it is actually obeying that setting, because when there is a file with silence at the end we get dead-air. Is there a post somewhere which explains this? We have not tagged our library with ramps, fades etc - and I’m sure we will never find the time to do this!
Thanks again. If you like take a listen to http://www.thornburyfm.org/live/listen. Every ad break and sponsor tag is thanks to mAirlist - and when it has re-scanned the database every song played too!
Cheers, Glyn