Got it. Hope you did not forget the corresponding screenshot of ProcessExplorer? I need both…
Thanks for the files. It’s the main thread that is consuming the CPU. That’s not unusual, but the load seems to be a bit too high for me. So we have to find out what the thread is doing
Here’s a debug version:
It will write a text file “debug-<date/time>.txt” into the program folder. It might be necessary to run mAirList as Administrator in order to obtain the required file permissions.
Let the software run for a couple of minutes, or until the problem can be reproduced, then close it and mail me the debug.txt file. It might grow very large, so feel free to zip it before mailing it.
I have emailed you the text file. I was unable to reproduce the bug within 20 minutes of running the application. Wondering if you changed anything for that build?
No, I haven’t. Keep on trying
I got it reproduced this time! At 15 minutes of the demo. Hope the debug file displays useful information. I saw no exceptions thrown or anything. You’re doing some pretty low level programming here am I right?
Any updates on the issue Torben?