Sweepers in auto

I have the Aircast 6.0.6 Standard… Can’t find how to configure sweepers in Auto play-out. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Ahem… I appreciate your honesty, but isn’t that a case for D&R?

I was not aware of any controversy… I was looking for an answer to a question. Are you saying that mairlist & Aircast not the same software?

This is nothing about controversy, but as far as I know, D&R wanted to do the support for Aircast.
The different name is a result of a contract that D&R wanted to sell the software under their own name - including support.

For further information, please contact sales@mairlist.com whether it is possible to switch to mAirList (including Version 6.3 :sunglasses:). Thank you.

Okay… I will contact them thank you.