Love the new hook container feature. Just been playing with the sweepers for in between each hook

The sweeper ive got has a long tail out, ive set the Start Next points for it as well as Hook Fade & Hook Out. However, when it is automatically being put in as a sweeper it ignores these points and therefore plays a long tail out after the effect.

Can you help??


You need to set the ordinary Fade Out or Start Next points for the jingles.

AH HA - Had forgotten to set the fade out point.

On the subject of hook containers, when it has finished playing it doesnt clear out of the player until you press play again. I had an instance where i had linked an item to the container which resulted in it not playing.

Is this a bug??

There seems to be a problem with the EOF notification of the Container items. I’ll have a look at it.

I have a problem with the fading. I set the ‘Deafault automation fade time’ and 'End Mon duration" also to 3000 ms. If playing a short file - for example a spot or jingle - what is 3 sec long I hear approx. 2 sec silent.
What is the solution to I get a countinous broadcast (without silence)?
Thank you for the help!


What happens during that silence? Does mAirList hang?

It waits for the next track and nothing happens. But it fades normally between two longer than 3000 ms tracks.
What do you advise?

Can you click any button during that time or is the GUI frozen?

Does the sweeper have any cue points (fade out or cue out set)? If not, can you please try to set one, shortly before the end?

GUI not frozen. I set only global fade out, cue out, cue in to -30 dB, and what I also wrote 3000 ms.
Maybe I found the solution: right click over the sweeper Properties\Fade duration (ms) I set to 1 ms after ‘Export data to…’ click File Tag button and it shows fade properly.

The fade duration specifies the length of the fade, beginning at the Fade Out cue point. If you want an item to be faded, you must set Fade Out (either manually or by auto cue). Otherwise it will be played until EOF. The fade will never be longer than the remaining time of the item. So if you set a fade duration of 3000ms and place the Fade Out marker 500ms before EOF, the fade will only be 500ms. Also, if you have a Cue Out marker set, that one will be regarded as the end of fade point, and the fade duration will be ignored.

Perhaps you can save the current data of the sweeper to an MMD file and post its contents here (you can open it with a text editor).

Hi Torben,

Just wondered if you have had chance yet to think about whether it would be possible to give an option of two different styles of hooks.

The reason being an SFX used for dance music isnt suitable with love songs. Therefore we could do with having the ability to have an option of Hook container 1, Hook container 2 so i can use different effects for different styles of tracks.

Thanks Torben


Salvador, I think you have misunderstood some of the mAirList settings and operations!

End Mon is nothing to do with the Automation! If you PFL a track, or use the File Tagger, you will see an End Mon button. When you click that button, you will hear the end of the track you are PFLing. End Mon duration sets how long you want the ‘end of the track’ to be. For example, with End Mon set to 30 seconds, clicking the End Mon button will play the last 30 seconds of a track.

The idea of End Mon is so you can quickly pre-listen to the end of a track before you broadcast it, to make sure you know where to start talking again. Of course, the very best way to do that is to tag your files with Outro points: they don’t affect Automation but they are visible during Assist mode, so your DJs can see where it is ‘safe’ to talk over the end of a track. Unfortunately, most people aren’t prepared to put in that sort of effort with their file tagging!

You say the jingle/spot is 3 sec long: is that the TOTAL length of the audio file or just the non-silent length? In other words, does your spot/jingle file actually run for 5 seconds with two seconds of silence at the end (similar to a CD track)? If so, then you MUST tag all files like that with at least a Cue Out point, and probably they will need a Start Next point as well.

Try this with one of your ‘problem’ files:

[ul][li]Put the Playlist in Assist mode, then load a ‘problem’ spot or jingle into the Playlist.[/li]
[li]Right-click the spot/jingle in the Playlist and click PFL.[/li]
[li]Watch the progress bar in the PFL window while the spot/jingle plays. Look/listen for any silence at the start and/or end of the file, and also note the Duration value just below the progress bar.[/li][/ul]

If there is a chunk of silence at the end of your file, mAirList should already have set a Cue Out point which marks the actual end of the audio (and start of the silence).

Either way, set a Start Next cue point at the point where, if you were DJing manually, you would PLAY the following track. This might be 0,5 sec before the actual end, or maybe even 3 or 4 seconds from the end if you have a long fading tail on your jingle. For a true dry sweeper, you probably want to set Start Next at 0,1 seconds or so and NOT set a Fade Out point at all (think about it!).

When you are done with the PFL, save the Playlist! Then add a track after the spot/jingle, save the Playlist again ;), put the Playlist into AUTO and click the AUTO-PLAY button. This time, mAirList will ‘see’ your new Start Next point and will immediately PLAY the track after your spot/jingle at that moment.

May I politely suggest that you read the section on Tagging in the mAirList wiki? This explains all the cue point types, how they work, and how to set them. If, after you have read that, you have more questions, please do ask again!

I do not recommend setting the global Cue In and Cue Out thresholds to -30dB. That is only a sensible value for the Fade Out threshold. For Cue In and Cue Out thresholds, I suggest NO HIGHER than -60dB (personally I leave these at the default -207dB or so): at -30dB, you will ‘chop off’ the start or end of any track which fades in or out.

I hope that helps?


I do not recommend setting the global Cue In and Cue Out thresholds to -30dB. That is only a sensible value for the Fade Out threshold. For Cue In and Cue Out thresholds, I suggest NO HIGHER than -60dB (personally I leave these at the default -207dB or so): at -30dB, you will ‘chop off’ the start or end of any track which fades in or out.

Thank you for your advice. I set the Cue In and Cue Out thresholds to default -207dB. Final result: there is not silence already on the end of the short spots now, but unforunatelly there is not cross-fade. You can here this on our radio: mms://live0.hit.hu/hitradio
If there is silence on the end of the track you can hear only fade out after this and simply start the next track. This symptom only the new version (mAirList-2.1.43) I took it to reason. I don’t understand what I have to set yet that it works fine (automatically).

Let us do a few quick checks:

CueIn: -207 dB
FadeOut: -30 dB
CueOut: -207 dB
Fade duration: 3000 mS (= 3 seconds)

Fade duration: 0 mS (= use default fade duration = 3 seconds)

SHORT SPOT CUE POINTS (use PFL to see these):
FadeOut cue point: anything from 0–5 seconds before end of item (set automatically from global default values).
StartNext cue point: not set

This might work or might not: it depends on the content of your short spot.

If the actual FadeOut point set automatically by mAirList is too near the end of the short spot, this MIGHT cause a gap between the short spot and the following music item.

A better way is to manually set a StartNext point for the short spot and delete its existing FadeOut point, then save the result as a ‘metafile’ or MMD file. If the MMD file exists, mAirList will use the values in the MMD file to cue the short spot in and out.

The advantage of StartNext over FadeOut is that StartNext does NOT fade out the current item (i.e. the short spot). If the short spot ends with its own fade, all you need to do (!) is put the StartNext in the right place: this will depend on how long the spot’s built-in fade is, so you will just have to experiment to find the StartNext point that sounds ‘right’ when you run it before a music track.

This is, as I said before, a one-time job per short spot, provided that you save the results to an MMD file (you can save to the file’s internal tag if it is MP3 and not WAV, but MMD is the best way and is more flexible).

I hope that helps?


[quote=“Cad, post:14, topic:4438”]I hope that helps?


Thank you for the help, but we’ve chosen an easier way that bought StationPlaylist Pro. Crossfade/silence cutting work perfectly in this software.
Best regards,


I’m sorry (and somewhat surprised) that you weren’t able to get mAirList working to your satisfaction.

Out of interest, what happens in mAirList if you run a playlist M3U file created by Station Playlist Creator? Does it crossfade properly or not? I ask this because other mAirList users do use SPC for their playlist generation, and their playlists seem to play out just fine in mAirList.

Incidentally, if you want to create voicetracked playlists in mAirList, I’ve recently written a script to do that, called IVP, which you can find in the English Scripts forum here.

I wish you well with your station!